Month: January 2022

How to use Firemizer

Firemizer could not be easier to use! This award-winning fuel saving device optimizes the performance of fuel in solid fuel fires and stoves.

How it works

Firemizer is not catalytic and does not contain any chemicals, the beauty is its simplicity! It slows the air flow to reduce the burn rate of fuel and conducts heat evenly across the fire to ensure all fuel is fully combusted and prevents small fuel fragments falling through the grate or being left unburnt in the ash bed.

How to use

Simply remove from the pack and place it on the base or grate of your fire or stove. Then build your fire with dry wood or coal as usual on top. It should cover most of the base of your fire/stove but does not have to be an exact fit. You can cut it down to size with household scissors if it is too big for your fire, and for really big fires you can place two side by side.


How long will it last?

Your Firemizer will last 500 burn hours which is equivalent to approximately 6 weeks at 12 hours per day. All you need to do is lightly brush off the ashes in between fires. Once it starts to deteriorate simply remove and recycle with your normal household metal waste.

We recommend wearing gloves when handling Firemizer to protect your hands from the metal fibres and sharp points. Also keep the product away from children and pets.

How much will you save?

Firemizer will save you up to 38% of your fuel costs, see for yourself with our fuel saving calculator!

For more information or to order, visit


Energy Saving Week 2022

Energy Saving Week is a national campaign to help and encourage people to save energy and cut fuel costs. The event is in partnership with Citizens Advice, the Energy Saving Trust and the Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy. It is also supported by numerous organisations, charities and companies.

Sitting down and going through your bills may not sound very appealing. By dedicating just a few minutes each month exploring where you can save money will quickly show in your bank balance.

There are many ways to save money on your energy. Switching your supplier or tariff to get a better deal can make a big difference to your bills. Use the Citizens Advice energy price comparison tool to see if you can save money.

Small changes around the home will knock £££’s off your energy bills. Here are some figures for you:

  • Switch lights off even if for just a few seconds when not in use, it will save more energy than it takes for the light to start up again. This will save you around £14 a year!
  • Turn your appliances off standby mode and remember to not leave laptops and mobile phones on charge unnecessarily. This will save you £30 a year!
  • Spend one minute less in the shower each day and a family of four could save £75 a year on energy and water bills!

If you have a wood burner in your home, try our fuel-saving device Firemizer. Once in place, Firemizer reduces the burn rate and spreads the heat evenly across your fire. This ensures all of the fuel is burnt thoroughly. You can then enjoy your perfect fire for longer and cut costs on firewood & coal.

Independent tests by the University of Cambridge, the University of Nottingham and Kiwa GASTEC at CRE in the UK, as well as OMNI-Test Laboratories Inc in the USA have all shown that using Firemizer can save you up to 38% on your fuel costs and can last up to 500 hours.

Start saving money with Firemizer today!


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