Tag: money

May Day Weekend

May Day Bank Holiday Weekend

Over the May Day bank holiday weekend, you may find yourself stuck for things to do with that extra day. Instead of sleeping in or watching TV, here’s a list of cheap, alternative things to get you out the house.


Walking Tours in London

If you live in the countryside and want a change of scenery, why not head to the sprawling London metropolis? There’s a wealth of landmarks and tourist attractions that we so often forget are on our doorstep. In the interest of keeping it cheap and cheerful, there are over 40 free walking tours on offer to you. These range from historic walks through the park, to the strip between Buckingham Palace and St. Paul’s Cathedral, to the London Outer Orbital Path (LOOP) that takes you through stately monuments and houses.

Cheese-Chasers in Gloucester

This strangely appealing annual event always promises not to disappoint. In Brockworth, Gloucester, hordes of competitors throw themselves down a hill in order to catch the prized wheel of cheese. Yes, you read that correctly. An 8lb wheel of Double Gloucester cheese is chased down the famed Cooper’s Hill and the first to the finish line is crowned Cheese Champion.

Pet Animals in Newcastle

Just outside of Newcastle city centre in Jesmond Dene is a little haven that the little ones will enjoy. Filled with standard pigs and rabbits (as well as rarer alpacas and tropical birds) this petting zoo will delight all! It’s free entry with a soft play area and café, so if you’re in the area and stuck for ideas, this is an easy fix.

Host a Garden Party

Getting out of the house doesn’t necessarily require going far; weather permitting, invite friends over for an impromptu garden party! Soak up the sunlight and maybe even get a barbecue going – get it started easier using a Firebuilder and help it last up to 38% with a Firemizer! If the weather isn’t so good, swap garden for a cheese and wine night, and use Firemizer in your wood or coal burning stove or fireplace instead!

Take a walk in the Peak District

Over April and May, walkers take to the hills making the most of the year’s first bouts of good weather. With so many various trails to choose from, from mountain heights to valley lows, to fit your experience level. Take a day out for a quick escape or organise a longer trail over the full weekend, all you need are comfy shoes and a weather proof coat!


There are just some of the cheap, wonderful ways to get the most of your this bank holiday this year!


With May approaching and Summer just on the horizon, that holiday-feeling is starting to sink in. The days are getting longer, the nights are getting warmer and, for the lucky ones, the holiday countdown has begun. If, however, you aren’t among those lucky few, then there are plenty of ways to relax and unwind at home. Forget sitting in the garden or watching Netflix – make some small changes to create a more soothing atmosphere at home. Not only can it spruce up the place, it can also keep you busy and keep boredom at bay.

Small, Easy Changes;

Give some of the doors a new lick of paint, hang those shelves you’ve been promising for years or pick out some new garden furniture. The changes don’t have to be drastic or expensive, just small and meaningful around the house. They can bring new life to an area you once didn’t like (simply by the addition of some new curtains).

Don’t Overwhelm Yourself;

The key word here is – relax. The process is meant to be stress-free and revitalising, so if you find yourself getting worked-up, take a step back. Don’t start a new project until one is finished, and only tackle one area at a time.

Get Everyone Involved;

Don’t forget that there might be others who have something to say about your interior design style-choices! Get the whole family involved and listen to their input – a fresh pair of eyes can always benefit. Even pets will respond to certain colours and new pieces of furniture so bear that in mind, and while you’re styling up the house, get them a comfy new bed for them to enjoy!

Choose the right products;

There are plenty of products and furniture styles that can enhance the feeling of tranquil in a room. Chairs and tables with smooth shapes and lines, thin curtains letting in lots of light, and a Firemizer can keep your wood or coal burning fire burner for longer with the constant interference of building or stoking. The stainless-steel mesh helps the solid fuel to burn more evenly and efficiently so, while you’re taking care of those little tasks or basking in the changes you’ve made, let Firemizer keep your fire burning for 38% longer.

5 common myths you’ve heard about fireplaces


This week’s topic is the alternative solid-fuel heating method for those without space for a log-burner – fireplaces! Fireplace always provide warmth and ambience to any room they’re in whether it’s your lounge, bedroom, or even the garden. They provide a great source of heat, a focal point in any room and with a range of styles both classic and modern to choose from, there’s a hearth out there for everyone. Fireplaces can actually add value to a property as they have become a highly sought feature for first-time buyers. Fireplaces can utilise various different types of solid fuels, ranging from pellets, coal, gas, propane and various types of wood.

The history of the fireplace dates back to prehistoric fire-pits and smoke-canopies in the middle ages. First introduced to Europe in the 11th century, the likes of Benjamin Franklin and Prince Rupert of the Rhine have contributed in shaping the hearth into its current state.

As such a popular home installation, there are many claims and figures out there about fireplace performance. Here are 5 commons myths you might encounter when purchasing or servicing a fireplace.

5 common myths you’ve heard:

  1. Chimneys do not need regular inspections and sweeping. Chimneys must be serviced every year as build-ups of soot and creosote are often the origin of chimney fires. Firemizer reduces the creosote levels by 57%, meaning that chimney inspections will be far less difficult and pricey. However, creosote isn’t the only reason for inspections; debris and nesting animals also affect the structural integrity of your chimney.
  2. Fireplaces are poor sources of heat. Fireplaces can be poor sources if the fire is not maintained properly. Some believe that fireplaces send their heat up the chimney, and wood fires need oxygen to burn. Use a cast-iron fireback to radiate heat back into the room, and opening the flue will dispose of dangerous toxins. Firemizer reduces harmful air pollutants emitted by solid fuels by up to 72%.
  3. Lighter fluid and kerosene will produce a better fire quickly. Though it’s true that it will produce a fire quickly, this will be using harmful and potentially dangerous chemicals. Instead of putting your home at risk, use balls of newspaper or an entirely kerosene-free Firebuilder.
  4. I don’t need to clean my fireplace or chimney more than once a year. How frequently you use your fireplace dictates how often it should be cleaned (ranging from yearly to fortnightly). Always clear ash from the fireplace before starting a new fire (keeping a small bed of ash on the bottom). Firemizer reduces clumps of fuel in your wood, turning your ash into fine powder making clean-up much easier.
  5. It’s ok to leave the fire burning while I’m out or asleep. Absolutely not, fires are unpredictable and there are a number of factors that could contribute to a larger incident. To make sure it’s safely exterminated, throw a cup of water, sand or baking soda on top.


When properly serviced and maintained, a fireplace makes the perfect addition to any room in the house. Pair your hearth with Firemizer and Firebuilder and get the most out of your solid fuel source saving you time, effort and money.

International Day of Forests 2018

International Day of Forests 2018

The United Nations proclaim that the International Day of Forests will take place on 21st of March 2018. The purpose of this day is to highlight all the wonderful things that trees and forests provide for our planet, and raise awareness of what we can do to help protect and preserve them. Whether it’s on a local, national or international level, the aim is to participate in projects benefitting our fantastic greenery. This could be a small photo competition, art exhibition showcasing natural imagery, or mass tree-planting across communities; everything helps.

Each year, the Collaborative Partnership on Forests designates a particular theme or area to focus on with regards to sustainability. This year, the theme is Sustainable Cities, placing emphasis on the unprecedented urbanisation of the 21st century and subsequent pollution. With the implementation of inner-city parks and forests, we can reduce the vast levels of carbon emissions and pollution for the some 6 billion people living there.


The key messages for the International Day of Forests are simple. They are:

  • Trees store carbon, which helps with the reduction of climate change (particularly in areas of high-pollution like cities).
  • Trees and forests improve the local climate, reducing energy needed for heating by between 20%-50%.
  • The placement of trees within cities reduces air temperature by up to 8°C, further reducing energy used on air-conditioning. Trees also act as air filters, removing harmful particulates and pollutants.
  • They produce fruits, nuts, leaves and insects which are used in food and medicines, providing a source of income. Trees and forests also make for perfect animal habitats, keeping the ecosystem stable and helping to maintain biodiversity.
  • Wood from these urban landscapes can be later purposed as fuel, providing a source of renewable energy. This is important as it takes reliance off the burning and consumption of harmful fossil fuels.
  • Also, forests help to filter and regulate water systems and, by storing water in branches and soil, can prevent flooding.
  • The planting and maintaining of forests generates jobs and tourism within green economies, and encourages active and healthy lifestyles that results in better mental health, more sociability and stronger immunity to disease.

Furthermore, the benefits of increased greenery are continuous, and there are lots of parts we can play in the protection of our trees and forests. Do you bit for the planet – plant a tree in your garden, donate to your local park, or perhaps use sustainable, locally-sourced wood as your main heat source, helping it last up to 38% longer (and reducing harmful particulates by 72%) by purchasing a Firemizer today.

Follow the latest news and information over at the International Day of Forests 2018.

Still to come in 2018

Still to come in 2018! 

Now that it’s 2018, Microtex have lots of exciting things on the horizon for Firemizer and Firebuilder this year. From new offers and campaigns, to new partnerships and products, to more exhibitions and shows – there’s so much going on! 2018 is going to be Firemizer and Firebuilder’s biggest year yet.

New Website:

We saw a completely redesigned Firemizer website (courtesy of M360), so everything is optimised and revamped for the New Year. The new design includes a simpler layout, sleek design and much more content! This means that picking up a Firemizer or Firebuilder for your home has never been as straightforward or enjoyable. Try out the website and leave us your thoughts or your experiences using our products at https://firemizer.co.uk/product/firemizer/. By doing this, you’ll automatically be entered in a competition that could win you a free Firemizer and Firebuilder combo!

Exhibitions and Shows:

2018 will be a bigger year for us in shows and exhibitions after such a great success at Grand Designs. We’ll be attending the Dispatch Home & Garden Show in Columbus, OH introducing Firebuilder to the U.S. this month! With the help of our partners over at Ribtec, we’re certain this show will be both educational and exciting. Back in the UK, the Firemizer team will be attending the Countryfile Live! show in August. Hosted at the beautiful Blenheim Castle, we’ll be amongst the best and most innovative products the countryside has to offer. If you’re attending either of the shows and have questions about the products (or just want to see why Firemizer and Firebuilder could be the perfect products for you), swing by and come say hi!

Finally, our partners at OPR have invited us up to Newcastle for some training in social media and website upkeep. These guys are professionals and will really help us get the most out of our online mediums to make sure you get the best content wherever you are and whatever platform you follow us on.

Stay tuned for more exciting developments and news as the year unfolds – this is only the beginning for us!

How-to use Firemizer & Firebuilder

Instructions for how to use Firemizer & Firebuilder together:

Unsure of how to get the most out of your Firemizer and Firebuilder? Follow these easy steps:

  • Firstly, place your Firemizer on the base or grate of your domestic stove or fireplace.
  • Secondly, place one Firebuilder flat on the grate (tip: one grid easily snaps into two for smaller grates or stoves, meaning a box of 5 can potentially start you 10 fires).
  • Light under the edge of the Firebuilder, or if you’ve snapped it in two, at one of middle two corners.
  • Allow the Firebuilder to ignite through its unique draught technology and wait for the flames to become established.
  • Add fuel, sit back, and enjoy a beautiful fire that lasts even longer. Firebuilder doubles as kindling, so there’s no need to disturb it once it’s roaring.

Alternatively you can watch the video below to achieve a better understanding!

Firemizer’s round-up of 2017!

2017 is over!

As we finish the last of the turkey, now seems a perfect time to reflect on the successes of 2017. with growing purchases of Firemizer in the US market and the introduction of its sister-product Firebuilder in the UK market, homes across both continents have been enjoying their fireplaces and wood-burning stoves for cheaper and longer over the festive period.

Firemizer (a unique heat grid that is easy to use and optimises the performance of solid fuel fires and stoves) continued its strong sales in the UK market and concluded 2017 with its best month of US website sales in December. Firebuilder (an odourless and kerosene-free firelighter that doubles as kindling) enjoyed a strong introduction to the UK market. They received some glowing reviews –


  • Green & beauty blogger Fifi Friendly said “Honest pants on, I was a little sceptical and set out to test their claims. Better heat, longer burn time, money-saving and easier to clean… bonus! It totally works.”
  • UK-based-attractions website What’s Good To Do described the combination of Firemizer and Firebuilder as able to produce a “warm room very quickly in half the time of my usual fires. These items are without
    Kerosene and odourless, quicker and also made of recycled material so have to recommend them.”
  • Green living Eco Fluffy Mama thought that it “actually made the fire look really pretty. It’s also made cleaning out the ash pan a much more pleasant experience.”
  • French-based Family bloggers Family Makes reported that “our son has been working over there and has certainly seen the benefit. Hhe seems to be using fewer logs, and they last longer and burn more thoroughly.”
  • Craft with Cartwright, a freelance illustrator and craftswoman, taught us how Firemizer is the perfect companion to a BBQ – “it slows down the air flow and reduces the burn rate […] giving you a longer time period to cook for, great when you are entertaining from lunch into evening.” On her BBQ essentials, health blogger Just Average Jen mentioned that Firemizer allowed her to “cook more items than normal as it was still hot so we cooked some food for the following day!”
  • Finally, videogame and tech enthusiast DadGeek said “it gave us a really decent campfire all evening and well into the night. I’d really recommend it for people who are heavy/regular users of a fire pit or barbecue. The main benefit is going to be those mid-to-long term fuel savings.”


Firemizer also found itself featured in national newspaper The Sun’s ‘Sun Savers’. This featured a collection of products that help to save money during the chilly November months.

Our top tips for beating the chills of November without racking up huge bills — plus find out high street deals from Sun Savers


In 2017, Microtex attended its first Exhibition show – the Grand Designs Exhibition show held in Birmingham’s NEC Arena. Over the course of five (very long but rewarding) days, we had the chance to speak face-to-face with new customers and old supporters of Firemizer and Firebuilder and convey the true ingenuity of the products ourselves. We loved it; we’re even booked to exhibit at the Columbus Home & Garden Show and Countryfile Live this year!

Other Developments

The Firemizer team also participated in Movember last year, trying our hardest to grow out our moustaches in the name of changing the face of men’s health. Though our facial hair wasn’t that impressive, the £292 that we raised certainly was. Here’s to another great Movember helping a great cause!

2017 also marked the beginning of a partnership with Canadian fan and heating manufacturer Caframo. With new packaging, Firemizer is now available to buy on Amazon!

And now 2018 is upon us, Firemizer and Firebuilder are enjoying a completely refreshed website, courtesy of m360 graphic designers – the new website features a cleaner layout, updated research findings and is generally more streamlined and intuitive. This means that buying with us has never been quicker or easier! Be sure to look out for our new website launch in the coming days.

Let’s hope the future of Firemizer and Firebuilder stays bright as we tackle this year with a fire roaring in our bellies and in our hearths too.



Firebuilder – everything you need to know about the all-in-one fire lighter!

Firebuilder is the most effortless and efficient way to start the perfect fire in your barbecue, chiminea or fireplace. The genius of this fire lighter truly lies in its simplicity! Made of 100% recycled cardboard, the unique draught technology of Firebuilder ensures that the airflow of the fire produces a fuller flame and faster heat production without the need for any extra kindling or the intrusion of chemicals like kerosene. This means it’s odourless and great to cook with, safety-conscious and environmentally friendly!

Using Firebuilder couldn’t be easier – here’s a step-by-step guide:

  1. Simply place one grid flat on your grate or stove (or snap the grid into two for smaller models).
  2. Ignite the corner and the let the unique design do the work until the fire has become established.
  3. Finally add your fuel (with sister-product Firemizer if you want your fire to last over a third longer). The whole of grid is consumed during its lifespan, which means there’s no mess to clean up afterwards either.

Firebuilder is also the perfect companion to any outdoor enthusiast. It requires no extra kindling and one pack can potentially make up to 10 fires faster than any comparable product. Extensive product research and testing has proven that whilst other market firelighters can take up to 42 minutes to achieve 1kw of heat, Firebuilder takes a mere 27 minutes. Starting campfires, barbeques or chimineas has never been as quick, clean or easy!

Whether it’s for cooking up a meal in the great outdoors, or starting the fireplace to warm the family home, Firebuilder makes the process of starting the perfect fire quicker, cleaner, and much easier. Don’t find yourself without one whatever the weather this season!

Firemizer – everything you need to know about the solid-fuel-saving device!

Here’s all you need to know about Firemizer:

It’s a suspiciously simple yet incredibly effective product. Everything you need to know about the product and how it improves your wood or coal-burning falls into three qualities; Efficient, Environmental, and Economic.

Firstly, Firemizer boasts an exceptionally efficient nature that helps to save you over a third of your solid fuel source. By slowing down the airflow to the body of the fire, Firemizer reduces the burn-rate and its stainless-steel-alloy mesh evenly distributes the heat across the entire base of your wood or coal-burning stove or fireplace. This means that with the addition of Firemizer, your fire will burn far more resourcefully than it ever did before.

Secondly, Firemizer is a helpful tool in the battle against climate change. It is non-catalytic, chemical-free and with its cardboard packaging, entirely recyclable. You can even use the leftover stove ash in your garden as compost for plants!  Firemizer reduces excess creosote tars that build up in chimneys by 57% and general air pollutants by 72%, and with 38% of extra life added to your fire, saving a third of your wood or coal resources in the process!

Finally, and most importantly to some, are the economic benefits. By reducing the amount of solid fuel needed and simultaneously increasing the lifespan of your fire, Firemizer immediately starts helping you save on energy bills from the second it’s placed under your fire until the end of its lifespan (typically around 500 burn hour or one season).

So stop throwing your money and resources into the fire – purchase a Firemizer and start burning efficiently, environmentally and economically!

Eco Fluffy Mama Reviews Firemizer!

Firemizer welcomes another reviewer to it’s ranks,

ECO Fluffy Mama gives her opinion on Firemizer!

ECO Fluffy Mama is British Blogger that has been nominated for and won multiple awards. If you couldn’t tell by the name, Tamsins (ECO Fluffy Mama) Blogs focus on her green lifestyle and environmentally friendly products!

Tamsin (ECO Fluffy Mama) lives in the country side and uses her open fire as her main source of heating. In our eyes this was the perfect match!

“Like with anyone, I am always looking for ways to save money. But making savings for heating is pretty difficult since there are no switching providers like you do with gas.It also gets really cold here in the winter, meaning we get through firewood pretty quick.

So when Firemizer got in touch and asked if I wanted to try out their product, of course, I bit their hand off!”

Check out the ECO Fluffy Mama website and read her full written Firemizer review

Or if you prefer you can watch her video review below!

A big thank you to Tamsin (ECO Fluffy Mama) for producing a great review
and giving her honest opinion

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