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How To Prepare For Your Camping Trip

How to prepare for camping

How To prepare for a camping trip

Before you embark on your camping adventure it’s wise to check out this page from the Woodland Trust all about where you can camp.


Make sure to pack only essentials, sleeping bag, non-perishable foods, stove, first aid kit, sleeping bag and tent! For making a fire don’t forget to pack Firemizer and Firebuilder, they’ll keep you warm during the night for longer!


When cooking try using the traditional campfire instead of a camping stove. You can use Firemizer in the campfire which will get your fire to cooking temperature much quicker.

Top camping foods
  • S’mores
  • Hot dogs
  • Burgers
  • Fish
S’more ingredients
  1. Cracker, if no crackers use cookies
  2. Chocolate or try chocolate spread, jam, white chocolate
  3. Marshmallows (there’s no alternative get some marshmallows!)
  4. Cracker
  5. Bonus fillings – raisins, caramel sauce, and fruit.
  • Keep bugs away by throwing sage into the campfire.
  • Use lavender or cinnamon essential oil on skin.
  • Sit away from standing water and wear insect repellent treated clothing.
  • Build a fire.
How to build a campfire?

What you’ll need;

dry wood, a handful of tinder, fire ring, matches and a clear area of vegetation.

  1. Place Firemizer underneath tinder bundle and use Firebuilder on top to help light the fire. Place the wood in the form of a tepee around the tinder.
  2. Leave an opening in your tepee so the fire gets the air it needs and will blow flames onto the kindling.
  3. The flame should rise to the kindles and spread throughout the wood bundle.
  4. Add wood to the structure as it starts to fall. Add tinder to maintain the fire.
  5. To extinguish sprinkle water on the fire to put out embers.

Firebuilder is waterproof and is perfect in wet or humid conditions.


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