Tag: grill

Charcoal BBQ vs. Gas

We are well into BBQ season and the glorious smell of outdoor cooking is frequently wafting through the air, but which is best, Charcoal or Gas?

Ultimately, it all comes down to personal preference but here we go through the pro’s and con’s of both options.

A gas BBQ does offer convenience, although there are some things it just cannot replicate when compared to a charcoal BBQ. It is impossible to achieve that distinct flavour you get when cooking meat over real charcoal coals when using gas.

Gas barbeques will give you the benefit of firing up at the push of a button, making it instantaneously ready to grill your food. But doesn’t that take away the pride of attaining the perfect heat to cook upon?

Generally, barbequing with coal is cheaper than with gas and it is also an easier fuel to buy. However, it is a little messier as the ash left behind can be a hassle to clean up.

When it comes to temperature control and management, a gas grill is much simpler to use. A charcoal BBQ can take 15-30 minutes to get going, however it will reach higher temperatures which gives your meat that perfect brown, crispy exterior.

So which is better for the environment? Charcoal can produce a lot more carbon dioxide than a propane grill. However, there are a number of eco-friendly charcoal brands that you can buy made from 100% naturally occurring products.

Is the mess, difficulty of temperature control and emissions of coal swaying you more towards using gas for your outdoor cooking? Don’t make your mind up yet, Firemizer is a game changer! Simply place in your BBQ before adding your coals. It will get them hotter much faster, help them to burn more efficiently and last up to a third longer.

Not only that, it will reduce any harmful pollutants emitted by 72%. The benefits of Firemizer doesn’t end there! Maximizing the length and efficiency of the burn means less ash to dispose of after your BBQ.

The only way to BBQ is with Firemizer!


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